group interviews for pa school
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Are you preparing for a group or panel interview for PA school? In this video, we’ll provide you with valuable strategies and tips to excel in this unique interview format. Join us as we discuss how to navigate group discussions, stand out in a panel setting, and effectively communicate your skills and experiences. Learn from […]

Are you preparing for a group or panel interview for PA school? In this video, we’ll provide you with valuable strategies and tips to excel in this unique interview format. Join us as we discuss how to navigate group discussions, stand out in a panel setting, and effectively communicate your skills and experiences. Learn from […]

June 20, 2023
group interviews for pa school

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with proper preparation and awareness, you can avoid these pitfalls and present yourself in the best light. In this video I will discuss some common PA school interview mistakes to avoid. 7 PA School Interview Mistakes to Avoid Are you preparing for your PA school interview? The interview process can […]

June 16, 2023
pa school interview mistakes

Are you preparing for the MMI interview for PA school? In this video, we share invaluable tips and strategies to help you excel in your MMI and stand out from the competition. The MMI is a unique interview format that assesses your skills and qualities through a series of stations, and thorough preparation is key […]

June 13, 2023
mmi interview for pa school

Are you considering applying to Physician Assistant (PA) school? In this video, we will explore the various types of physician assistant school interviews you may encounter during the PA school application process. Understanding the different interview formats is crucial for your preparation. Join us as we discuss traditional interviews, multiple mini-interviews (MMIs), panel interviews, and […]

June 9, 2023
physician assistant school interviews

Are you struggling with imposter syndrome as a Physician assistant? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Imposter syndrome affects many ambitious individuals, and it can be especially challenging when pursuing a career in the medical field. In this video, I will share my top 3 strategies for coping with imposter syndrome and thrive on your journey! […]

June 6, 2023
imposter syndrome as a physician assistant

Networking plays a crucial role in establishing relationships, gaining knowledge, and opening doors to opportunities within the healthcare industry. As PA students, networking can help you build a strong foundation for your future career and provide valuable insights and mentorship along the way. This video will give you my top networking tips for PA students! […]

June 2, 2023
networking tips for pa students

Embarking on the journey to PA school as an International Medical Graduate (IMG) can be a daunting task. However, fear not, as this video serves as your ultimate roadmap to PA school: a guide specifically tailored for IMGs. Within this comprehensive guide, we will delve into crucial steps and considerations that every IMG should be […]

May 30, 2023
roadmap to pa school

Are you applying to Physician Assistant (PA) school and need guidance on crafting a powerful supplemental essay? Look no further! In this comprehensive video, I dive deep into the secrets of writing a strong supplemental essay for PA school that will set you apart from the competition and impress admissions committees. Whether you’re a prospective […]

May 28, 2023
supplemental essay for pa school

In this video I will talk about the key qualities that make a successful Physician Assistant (PA). Beyond knowledge and skills, there is the importance of personal attributes in effective patient care. There are 6 qualities, starting with empathy, which involves understanding patients on a human level and their unique backgrounds. Effective communication, critical thinking, […]

May 28, 2023
qualities that make a successful physician assistant

Are you a high school student who dreams of becoming a Physician Assistant? Well, you’re in luck! In this video, we’re going to dive into the exciting world of direct entry Physician Assistant programs straight from high school. How to Get into PA School from High School If you’re a high school student aspiring to […]

May 28, 2023
get into pa school from high school