Top 5 Resources For An Oncology PA

PA School • June 23, 2023

Are you a Physician Assistant (PA) seeking to enhance your expertise in oncology? Look no further! In this article, I provide an overview of various educational materials, websites, and organizations that are invaluable assets for an oncology physician assistant. From evidence-based treatment guidelines to cutting-edge research advancements, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a seasoned PA or just starting your oncology pa journey, these resources will empower you to provide the best possible care to cancer patients.

Top 5 Resources For An Oncology Physician Assistant

As an oncology physician assistant (PA), it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest research, treatment options, and guidelines in the field. Having access to reliable resources can greatly enhance your knowledge and assist you in providing the best care for your patients. In this article, we will explore the top five resources that every oncology PA should consider utilizing. These resources encompass journals, professional organizations, and online platforms that offer comprehensive information and support for oncology practitioners.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

The Journal of Clinical Oncology is a reputable publication that provides up-to-date and readable material on various topics related to oncology. This journal is essential for staying attuned to the newest research in the field and keeping abreast of the latest treatments for different types of cancers. Whether you’re dealing with solid tumors or liquid tumors, the Journal of Clinical Oncology offers valuable insights and helps you stay informed about advancements in oncology.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

The American Society of Clinical Oncology offers a plethora of resources for advanced practitioners, physicians, and other healthcare professionals involved in oncology. ASCO is particularly beneficial for those specializing in medical oncology, providing comprehensive information and guidance for various disease types. Their resources include print publications, online materials, and membership subscriptions, all of which facilitate staying updated on the latest trends and advancements in oncology.

Association of PAs in Oncology (APAO)

The Association of PAs in Oncology is a dedicated organization that caters to the needs of PAs and students interested in pursuing a career in oncology. APAO offers an annual conference, a vibrant social media presence, and a website filled with valuable resources for individuals looking to enter the field of oncology. Whether you’re seeking job opportunities, guidance on transitioning into an oncology-focused career, or a supportive community of oncology PAs, APAO is an essential organization to join.

Advanced Practitioner Society of Hematology and Oncology (APSHO)

The Advanced Practitioner Society of Hematology and Oncology focuses on providing resources and support specifically tailored to advanced practitioners in oncology and hematology. Their journal serves as a valuable resource for oncology PAs, offering insights, knowledge, and expert opinions. Additionally, APSHO frequently organizes live and on-demand classes on their website, enabling advanced practitioners to enhance their expertise in their respective fields. This society is a valuable asset for any oncology PA seeking professional development opportunities.

NCCN Guidelines and UpToDate

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines and UpToDate are indispensable resources for oncology PAs. The NCCN guidelines are regarded as the “holy grail” for practitioners, providing comprehensive information on staging, pathology, treatment algorithms, and palliative care for various cancer types. These guidelines assist in patient management and offer evidence-based recommendations. On the other hand, UpToDate is an online platform that offers a wide range of up-to-date information on cancer. It serves as an excellent starting point for beginners, providing basic knowledge and insights into approaching oncology patients.

Additional Resources

Apart from the top five resources mentioned above, the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is also worth considering for advanced practitioners and nurses in oncology. ONS offers valuable resources, including courses like the chemotherapy and biotherapy prescribers course, which can enhance pharmacology knowledge and understanding of cancer drugs.


As an oncology PA, staying well-informed is crucial for providing optimal care to patients. Utilizing these top five resources, including journals, professional organizations, and online platforms, can significantly enhance your knowledge and keep you up-to-date with the latest advancements in oncology. Whether it’s the Journal of Clinical Oncology, ASCO, APAO, APSHO, or the NCCN guidelines and UpToDate, these resources will prove invaluable in your journey as an oncology PA. Stay connected with these resources, continue to learn, and strive to become an exceptional oncology practitioner.

Also read: 10 Strategies for Mastering Panel and Group Interviews for PA School

About me:

I’m Michele Neskey, aka The Posh PA. Welcome to my YouTube channel! My mission is to provide personalized guidance, education, and motivation to build confidence and promote wellness for aspiring physician assistants and beyond.   

Having been a PA for 17+ years and helped hundreds of students gain acceptance into PA school,  I understand the admissions process. I know what they are looking for, and I can help you tailor every component to make you shine, giving you the BEST chance of getting accepted to a program.  But it doesn’t end there. I create personalized plans for PA students and practicing PAs including test-taking strategy for the PANCE, contract negotiations, and tools to overcome and prevent provider burnout. 

My goal is to get you into a physician assistant (PA) school & survive the rigorous program, help you prevent burnout as a practicing PA, and help you take care of yourself so you can be the best version of YOU for your patients, family, and most importantly YOU!