Top 3 Reasons You Are Not Getting into PA School

PA School • November 7, 2023

Are you passionate about becoming a Physician Assistant (PA) but struggling with the challenging and overwhelming process of getting into PA school? Rejections piling up, and you’re left wondering why your dream seems unattainable? We’ll explore the top three reasons why you are not getting into PA school and offer valuable insights to help you overcome these obstacles. With the right guidance and determination, you can turn your dream into reality.

Academic Preparation

Your academic preparation is a crucial aspect of your PA school application. This includes not only your GPA but also your fulfillment of prerequisites. PA programs have varying prerequisites, which can easily lead to missed requirements when applying to numerous schools. These prerequisites can be related to specific courses, letters of recommendation, or expiration dates.

  1. GPA Assessment: Start by evaluating your academic performance. Did you begin slowly but show improvement in your grades? If your GPA is below the competitive range (around 3.0 to 3.2), consider ways to enhance it. Additional coursework or post-baccalaureate classes can help raise your GPA to a more competitive level. Aim for all prerequisite courses to have grades of B or better.
  2. Prerequisite Fulfillment: When applying to PA programs, it’s essential to be intentional and targeted in your approach. Instead of applying to a large volume of schools, focus on programs for which you meet all prerequisites. This reduces the risk of missing crucial requirements and increases your chances of acceptance.

Insufficient Healthcare Experience

Healthcare experience is a critical component of your PA school application. PA programs typically value direct, paid patient care experience, with an average of about 2,000 hours being a common benchmark.

  1. Paid Patient Care Experience: Many PA programs prioritize candidates with direct paid patient care experience. This includes roles like medical assistants, EMTs, and similar positions. If you have the opportunity to gain paid experience, it’s advisable to prioritize this over volunteer positions. However, if you only have volunteer hours, don’t be discouraged, as some programs do accept them.
  2. Volunteering and Community Service: While paid patient care experience is essential, volunteering and community service also hold value in your application. These activities showcase your commitment to helping others and your engagement in the community. Include volunteer work in your application, but ensure you prioritize paid patient care.
  3. Clinical Skills: Developing strong clinical skills through hands-on patient care experience is crucial. Be prepared to demonstrate your competence during the interview process. Ensure that you have practical knowledge and expertise in patient care.

Interview Skills

Your interview performance can make or break your PA school application. Getting invited to interviews is a significant achievement, as it indicates that your application is strong. However, you must be well-prepared for the interview process to succeed.

  1. Interview Preparation: Interviews for PA school are highly competitive, and you need to stand out. Interview skills are a vital part of this process. You cannot rely on improvisation during the interview; you need to be thoroughly prepared.
  2. Mock Interviews: Consider practicing through mock interviews to gain confidence and experience. This will help you handle various interview questions effectively and highlight your unique strengths and abilities. Many resources, including mock interview series, are available to aid you in interview preparation.
  3. Professionalism and Maturity: During the interview, you should demonstrate professionalism, readiness, and maturity. This is your chance to show the admissions committee that you are well-equipped to handle the challenges of a rigorous PA school education.


While there are various factors that can affect your PA school application, these top three reasons—academic preparation, healthcare experience, and interview skills—are common obstacles. To overcome them, you can conduct research on your own, re-evaluate your GPA and prerequisites, and seek new opportunities for healthcare experience. Consider enrolling in programs that offer comprehensive guidance, such as the PA School Admissions Accelerator.

Becoming a PA is a challenging journey, but with determination and the right approach, you can overcome these hurdles and achieve your dream of entering PA school. Keep working towards your goal, and remember that every rejection brings you one step closer to success.

Also read: How to Choose the Right Specialty as a Physician Assistant?

About me:

I’m Michele Neskey, aka The Posh PA. Welcome to my YouTube channel! My mission is to provide personalized guidance, education, and motivation to build confidence and promote wellness for aspiring physician assistants and beyond.   

Having been a PA for 17+ years and helped hundreds of students gain acceptance into PA school,  I understand the admissions process. I know what they are looking for, and I can help you tailor every component to make you shine, giving you the BEST chance of getting accepted to a program.  But it doesn’t end there. I create personalized plans for PA students and practicing PAs including test-taking strategy for the PANCE, contract negotiations, and tools to overcome and prevent provider burnout. 

My goal is to get you into a physician assistant (PA) school & survive the rigorous program, help you prevent burnout as a practicing PA, and help you take care of yourself so you can be the best version of YOU for your patients, family, and most importantly YOU!