The Best Way to Improve Performance as a PA Student

PA School • May 27, 2023

Are you looking to improve your focus, mental clarity, energy, sleep and more? In this video I will tell you the best way to improve performance as a PA student and practicing!

The Best Way to Improve Performance as a PA Student

Whether you’re a student in PA school in the thick of it or just getting started, or maybe you’re on your pre-PA journey, I want to share with you today the best way to improve your performance as a PA student academically, while also managing the stress and anxiety that comes with a rigorous PA program. Many people refer to PA training, especially the classroom portion, as “drinking from a fire hydrant.” So how can you balance being sharp, focused, and energized throughout the demanding days of learning and studying, while also keeping stress levels and anxiety in check? These tips will not only benefit you as a PA student, but also in your PA career.

Exercise: The Key to Cognitive Function and Mental Health

Exercise is the best way to improve performance as a PA student in terms of function, energy, alertness, sleep quality, mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance your mental health. It is the cornerstone of improving your academic performance and preserving your mental well-being. Incorporating exercise into your routine is crucial, even though it often becomes the first thing to be neglected when life gets busy.

  1. Exercise and Cognitive Function:

Increasing your heart rate through exercise improves blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, resulting in enhanced focus and clarity. Exercise also stimulates neurotransmitters in the brain associated with positive feelings, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which provide the necessary boost for concentration and learning.

2. Exercise and Mental Health:

Exercise acts as a stress reliever, allowing you to take a break from the demands of student life. It clears your mind, reducing anxiety and stress levels. Exercise also stimulates the release of endorphins, which contribute to an improved mood and overall mental well-being.

3. Finding Time for Exercise:

If you’re concerned about finding time for exercise, remember that you don’t necessarily need a gym or elaborate equipment. Walking, hiking, swimming, and yoga are all excellent options for getting your body moving. Working out at home can also be a convenient and effective solution. By prioritizing exercise, even for just 20 to 30 minutes, five days a week, you’ll experience a significant shift in your academic and clinical performance, as well as your mental health and mood.

Developing Sustainable Exercise Habits

As a student, you’ll face the challenge of balancing a rigorous course load, studying, and clinical responsibilities. However, prioritizing exercise and self-care is vital to succeed both academically and in your future career as a practicing PA. By incorporating exercise into your day-to-day routine, you’ll reap numerous benefits such as increased focus, concentration, and energy.

1. Preventing Burnout:

Exercise helps prevent burnout by providing a much-needed outlet for stress and anxiety. By consistently engaging in exercise, you’ll reduce feelings of exhaustion and prevent the negative consequences of burnout. Establishing healthy, sustainable exercise habits now will benefit you not only during your time as a student but throughout your career as a PA.

2. Creating a Routine:

Finding a way to schedule exercise amidst your busy days and weekends is crucial. Consider it an investment in your overall well-being and academic success. By dedicating just a fraction of your time to exercise, you’re creating a healthy, sustainable lifestyle plan that will benefit you in both personal and professional aspects of your life.

Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is the best way to improve performance as a PA student. It enhances cognitive function, boosts mental health, and reduces stress and anxiety. As a future PA, maintaining these healthy habits will also contribute to your success and fulfillment in your career. Remember, it only takes a short amount of time each day, and the benefits are immeasurable. So prioritize exercise, take care of yourself, and thrive both as a student and a practicing PA.

Also read: How Can Nutrition Improve Studying: 6 Ways To Use Healthy Food Habits

About me:

I’m Michele Neskey, aka The Posh PA. Welcome to my YouTube channel! My mission is to provide personalized guidance, education, and motivation to build confidence and promote wellness for aspiring physician assistants and beyond.   

Having been a PA for 17+ years and helped hundreds of students gain acceptance into PA school,  I understand the admissions process. I know what they are looking for, and I can help you tailor every component to make you shine, giving you the BEST chance of getting accepted to a program.  But it doesn’t end there. I create personalized plans for PA students and practicing PAs including test-taking strategy for the PANCE, contract negotiations, and tools to overcome and prevent provider burnout. 

My goal is to get you into a physician assistant (PA) school & survive the rigorous program, help you prevent burnout as a practicing PA, and help you take care of yourself so you can be the best version of YOU for your patients, family, and most importantly YOU!